Kendi i BE – Bashkia Vlorë (
Fabiola Deliaj
Koordinatore për Cështjet e BE-së në Bashkine Vlorë
email :
Orari i Punës i Administratës së Bashkisë:
E Hënë – E Premte
08:00 – 16:00
Proçesi i integrimit evropian është sfida dhe prioriteti kryesor për Shqipërinë, ku pa dyshim një rol të rëndësishëm në këtë proces luan edhe qeverisja vendore.
Mjetet me të cilin BE mbështet Shqipërinë në rrugën e saj drejt anëtarësimit janë programet e BE-së. Përfitimi i fondeve të BE-së në nivel vendor varet edhe nga angazhimi i njësive vendore.
Ngritja e Këndit të BE-së Vlorë:
Në kuadër të projektit “Bashkitë për në Evropë”, financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian, është ngritur dhe funksionin Këndi i BE-së pranë Bashkisë Vlorë.
Këndi i BE-së, në 61 bashkitë në vend do të shërbejë si pikë ndërlidhjeje me BE-në për të informuar qytetarët dhe punonjësit e bashkisë mbi BE-në, politikat dhe programet e saj.
Funksioni i këndit të BE-së:
Koordinim të brendshëm për mbledhjen dhe përpunimin e të dhënave, trainim për politikat e BE-së dhe aksesi në fondet IPA.
Kanal komunikimi ndërmjet komunitetit, Qeverisë dhe BE-së për çështjet e BE-së në interes të komunitetit.
Një qendër informimi e bashkisë ku publiku të mund të marrë informacion për çështjet, Programet e BE-së, etj
Organizim eventesh për çështjet e BE-së/Ditët e BE,së Ditët Kombëtare të Vendeve Anëtare, etj.
Për më shumë informacion për integrimin e Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian klikoni më poshtë:
Marrëdhëniet e Shqipëri-BE
Marrëdhëniet e vendit tonë me Bashkimin Evropian, bazuar në objektivin kombëtar të integrimit në BE, janë strategjike dhe prioritare të politikës sonë të jashtme. Interesi parësor i Shqipërisë në raport me BE-në është anëtarësimi në BE në të ardhmen.
Negociatat për anëtarësim
Plani Kombëtar i Integrimit
Plani Kombëtar i Integrimit Evropian (PKIE) është një dokument i qeverisë shqiptare, i cili përgatitet në kuadër të procesit të integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian. Ai përfshin aktet ligjore të parashikuara për t’u miratuar nga institucionet shqiptare për një periudhë 3-vjeçare. Këto akte përafrojnë direktiva dhe rregullore të BE-së si dhe standardet më të mira evropiane dhe ndërkombëtare. Aktet ligjore të parashikuara për përafrim janë të ndara në 33 kapituj të “acquis”, ku secili kapitull trajton një fushë të caktuar të politikës së BE-së.
Bashkia në proçeset e integrimit evropian
Bashkia Vlorë në kuadër të proçesit të vlerësimit të përformancës në bashkëpunim me Agjencinë për Mbështetjen e Vetëqeverisjes Vendore, Ministrinë e Brendshme dhe Ministrinë për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme realizon proçesin e përvitshëm të vlerësimit të përformancës në drejtim të përmbushjes së detyrimeve në kuadër të kritereve politike, ekomonike dhe standarteve që lidhen me proçeset e qeverisjes vendore në lidhje me integrimin evropian, si dhe aftësinë për të marrë përsipër detyrimet e anëtarësimit.
Klikoni mbi raportet për më shumë informacion:
Bashkitë në proçesin e Integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian-Raporti i vlerësimit për vitin 2021
Bashkitë në proçesin e Integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian-Raporti i vlerësimit për vitin 2020
Bashkitë në proçesin e Integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian-Raporti i vlerësimit për vitin 2019
Bashkitë në proçesin e Integrimit të Shqipërisë në Bashkimin Evropian-Raporti i vlerësimit për vitin 2018
- Project name: BlueMed Plus ”Capitalization by transferring to the new Med territories the blue med multidisciplinary model for the sustainable and responsible coastal tourism development”
Programme: INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro
Implementation period: June 2021-june 2022
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: The main objective of the BlueMed PLUS project is to “transfer” the Roadmap and Action Plan to the new territorial Med “makers” – Municipality of Vlora
- Project name: EFFECTS – Effective Planning of schools buildings for Environment and ClimaTe changeS
Programme: INTERREG IPA II CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro
Implementation period: 01.09.2020-28.02.2022 (18 months)
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: EFFECTS Project main objective, aiming to promote innovative practices and tools to reduce carbon emission and to improve energy efficiency in public sector. Project would like to improve not only the local environment but also the CB capacity for sustain energy efficiency action plans. Moreover, the Programme highlighted the need to work on buildings with a specific focus on energy self-sufficiency of (public) buildings and the maximization of heat-energy savings.
3. Project name: CO-CLEAN –CO-Designed And Implementation Of Local Sustainable Energy Action
Implementation period: 01.01.2020-30.06.2021 (18 months)
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: Promoting innovative practices and tools to reduce carbon emission and to improve energy efficiency in public sector. The overall objective of the project is to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies in the program area through the implementation of concrete actions, training and awareness-raising activities.
The specific objectives of the project are:
-Generate a positive change in the behaviour of citizens and stakeholders on the sustainable use of energy sources and on issues of CO2 growth and climate change;
-Increase, in public sector, levels of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy through the implementation of actions aimed at improving the knowledge of public employees and local energy expertise on energy efficiency and energy efficiency technologies;
-Reduce know-how disparities among project partners and the creation of a permanent network to promote the exchange of good practices, data and information on energy efficiency.
- Project name: SU-MO Sustainable Mobility in the Port Cities of the Southern Adriatic Area
Programme: INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro
Implementation period: 01.01.2020-30.06.2021 (18 month)
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: SUMO projects aims to support the development of innovative and sustainable applications for transport support in the involved city ports area. Particularly, this main goal achieved through the improvement of the sustainable transports connections and means in order to enhance the processing of tourists and travellers reaching tourists destinations but also inhabitants. Particularly several sustainable, efficient, multimodal and quality cross border transport connections will be realised such as: 1) the “green” transport connection means inside the inner and medium Port of Brindisi through the electric motorboat; 2) the hybrid bus means that will be used in the Port area of Bar; 3) the cycle path starting from the port of Vlore; 4) Variable message panels (Traffic and Environmental Monitoring system). SUMO is connected also with a tourism policy aiming change behaviours and attitudes of the tourists and locals towards new transportation and travelling solutions.
Expected Results are:
- a) Widening of the network on smart – sustainable mobility through the development of the Territorial and cross-border guide lines;
- b) Increasing of citizen’s awareness about smart and green mobility;
c)increasing of the transnational coordination among countries in the development and implementation of integrated traveller transport systems, reducing existing disparities and creating the opportunity to implement smart solutions to the identified challenges in the field of tourists and inhabitants transport features;
- d) Improving of regional tourists transport system, thus promoting also the overall economic development of the Region and favoring the connections between the involved regions and national/EU networks.
5. Project name: Local youth action plans
Programme: National Youth Congress and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tirana
Implementation period: 2019-2021
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility; Drafting a local action plan in employment, identification of areas of actions and problems at the local level, data processing.
Lead Partner: Vlora Municipality
- Project name: GREAT SUN – Greece and Albania Towards Sustainability
Programme: Cross –Border cooperation programme 2014-2020
Implementation period: April 2018-April 2020
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: Demonstration of projects in selected three public buildings, using environmental friendly and energy efficiency building technologies, with immediate multiplication of the results due to the estimate decrease of their annual primary consumption by 50%. The demonstration projects will be also accessible to people with disabilities. The achieved results strands:
- Demonstration of projects in selected three public buildings, using environmentally friendly and energy efficiency building technologies, with immediate multiplication of the results due to the estimate decrease of their annual primary consumption by 50%. The demonstration projects will be also accessible to people with disabilities
- increase of the participants in thematic energy awareness actions through the thematic workshops’ organization (on-site training) and the open-door events (retrofitted buildings’ site visits)
- Multidimensional contribution to the goals of Greece and Albania towards 2020. Specifically, for the Greek region, energy policies will be initialized in view of the new programming period (2014-2020), through the specialization of the “Europe 2020” strategy and future cohesion policy
- demonstration of energy efficiency interventions (materials, technologies and techniques) in three public buildings in the CB area
- exchange of thematic knowledge on energy efficiency and construction techniques
- knowledge expansion concerning the use of high-end technological tools in energy projects
- Project name: CRISCO: Crossroad Of Regions – Fostering Involvement Of All Citizens In Local Life To Improve Social Cohesion
Implementation period: 01.09.2017-31.08.2019 (24 month)
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: Project objectives: This goal will be achieved by building a thematic network of cosmopolitan European cities (each of which will: Creating a balanced local panel of stakeholders (based on the following dimensions: 1/3 of citizens or civic organizations, 1/3 of non-profit organizations and civil society and 1/3 of experts, officials and local authorities) to experiment and review integration initiatives, so that: Share their local experience with the rest of the network, especially at the 4 transnational thematic meetings held in Bassano, Strasbourg, Vejle and Etterbeek in order to: Gain experience and share common findings and recommendations with a wider audience at European level to contribute to the Europe for Citizens Program.
- Project name: Invalor 101 – A network for joint valorisation of material flows in tourist areas
Programme: Cross–Border Cooperation Programme INTERREG Balkan–Mediterranean 2014-2020
Implementation period: 18 months
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: A. manage the glass waste with an eco-friendly, resource efficient, innovative solution which has not been utilized in any other municipality in Europe. Large increase of the glass waste recycling and up-cycling potential and public awareness will take place, owing to an innovative solution for EU standards.
The achieved results strands:
- manage the glass waste with an eco-friendly, resource efficient, innovative solution which has not been utilized in any other municipality in Europe
- large increase of the glass waste recycling and up-cycling potential and public awareness will take place, owing to an innovative solution for EU standards
- the promotion of the Invalor Network in Europe through participation in conferences and exhibitions, during & after the project; thus, the level of public information on the benefits of separate glass collection will significantly increase
- the demonstration of an innovative technology in pilot scale for building materials production, which will utilize a high-volume waste, i.e. glass waste
- reduction of highly touristic periods tests in local waste management systems, owing to better knowledge and more efficient management practices
- Project name: I-alarms – Ionian-Adriatic Monitoring System
Programme: Cross–Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020
Implementation period: (June 2018-2020)
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility/results: The achieved results strands:
- increased beneficiaries’ capacity to ensure proper natural hazard risk management in the regional section of the call
- integrated web-based scalable-flexible-interoperable information and communication tool. Tools necessary for the operational support of the above targets (firefighting)
- set up and implement training programs for intervention and coordination teams
- contribute to the information of the public in view of increasing the level of self-protection of the European citizens
- collect and disseminate validated emergency information
- Project name: Matra Project
Programme: with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the COC Netherlands Organization
Implementation period: 2018-2020
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: To fight discrimination and protect the rights of the LGBTI community in Albania. Support for Drafting a local action plan on LGBTI people, identification of areas of actions and problems at the local level, data processing and organizing the activities.
- Project name: Star Street Art Europe for citizens
Programme: Network of towns/ Europe for Citizens
Implementation period: 01/11/2019 – 30/06/2022
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: Description: In the last years, the increase of migration fluxes made Europe more and more intercultural and multi-ethnic. As a consequence, cities changed their urbanization and profile, suburbs increased generating fragmentation and marginalization. Furthermore, the situation of crisis of the past years (f.e. financial crisis of 2008 or the refugee crisis), exacerbates this urban stratification and opposition between areas, producing stigmatization and socio-spatial exclusion.
The project intends to create a network of towns with a common strategy to promote social inclusion and decrease marginalization by rehabilitation of depressed and abandoned areas of European cities through street art.
The project involves participants from 14 countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Italy, *Kosovo, Latvia, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Germany and the Netherlands.
- tackling the regeneration of depressed and abandoned areas of European cities, by using the power of community street art in order to generate local identity, social inclusion and active citizenship;
- Building a strong network of towns, committed to exchange positive results of using the street art as a way to involve communities and regenerate public spaces, by creating a multiplier impact.
- Project name: Marginal resilience: the circular economy model for the enhancement of territorial vocational
Implementation period: 36 month (2020-2023)
The Overall Objective/ Description/ Responsibility: Promote development-oriented policies that support local productive activities, the creation of decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of small-medium enterprises, also through access to financial services.
- Project name: ROMACTED- Promoting good governance and Roma empowerment on local level
Programme: Joint Programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe
Implementation period: 2020-2022
The overall objective: Promotion good governance and Empowerment of the Roma and Egyptian minority in the Municipality of Vlora, which aims at building the political will and the commitment of sustainable local policies to improve democratic governance and the empowerment of Roma and Egyptian communities in the municipality of Vlora, Albania, as wrll as in the six cities targeted in the country. Drafting Local Action Plan; Anti-Covid Initiative; Vocational Training for young people from the Community.